Texto em inglês sobre drogas


Drugs are substances that cause changes in people’s behavior,the drug has a stimulating action, disturbing, depressing, nowpeople are coming m, s early in the drug world, due to stimulationof friends and experience can no longer be without action of the drug.

 But the drugs can also be classified as drugs when consumed in excess causing disturbances in behavior and addiction, alcohol.The person experiences when they first felt something she had never felt before, feeling brave, smart, fit in with most people, these reactions lead the individual to seek this feeling many times. The drugs can be consumed snorting, smoking, injecting.

 It’s an expensivehabit, and many users as addicted to the marginal consumer to enter due to the frequent use can not workand start to steal to keep the support of the addiction.

 Most popular types of drugs:

  •  Marijuana;
  • Merla;
  • Cocaine;
  • Crack;
  • Heroin;
  • Inhaled drugs:
  • Glue;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Tobacco;
  • Launches perfume;
  • Good evening, Cinderella;

All types of drugs are bad for your health and body, neveraccepted experience first hand, because with only a taste you can get hooked for the rest of his life, many clinics are specialized in this type of treatment for addicts to stay awayconsumption, withdrawal symptoms usually is normal, causeanxiety, nervousness, the search for resumption of consumption, tremors. For a dependent is required to be released will, for without their will never be healed of the addiction. Search for thetreatment so you can stay away from this evil.